Copyright © Claude Bourleau. All rights reserved.
Overview of the greenhouse
S. tintiniensis G 197/5
S. dorana HJ 807/10
S. purpurea HS 25b
S. vasqueziana NL 12/1
S. vasqueziana NL 26/5
S. frankiana NL 28/1
S. canigueralii NL 32/4
S. rauschii NL 37/4
S. rauschii NL 37a/7
S. rauschii NL 98/2
S. naunacaensis NL 108a/3
S. crispata NL 112/4
S. krahnii NL 117/1
S. totorensis NL 123/5
S. renatae NL 126a/3
S. santiaginiensis NL 131/1
S. tiraquensis v. laui NL 141/7
S. horrida NL 146/2
Some S. callecallensis
S. callecallensis VZ 56b/13
S. hertusii VZ 450/2
S. roberto-
S. rauschii NL 167/2
S. hertusii NL 168/10
S. hertusii NL 168/13
S. crispata NL 169/6
I spent a very pleasant afternoon in the company of Ilona and Cor who are very friendly people.
Their collections are beautiful and healthy. It is always interesting to chat with
other collectors. Certainly, you will learn things!
It is with regret that I had to leave too soon to return to Belgium but with a well-
Sulcos on the rock ! ! !
Some material for the next plant list !
Aylostera cv Sunrise
Some rebutias growing in a rock
You can contact Ilona and Cor by email :
Ilona and Cor are a very well-
Their interest in cacti was born in 2001. Very quickly, they wanted to see these
plants in their natural environment. In 2003, they're off to Bolivia. At the airport
in Sucre they take a taxi to the hotel. Talking with the driver, he suggests to guide
them to visit various sites in search of cacti. So, it is by taxi that they discovered
their first sulcorebutias. In 2005, it is again in a taxi that they will make their
second expedition in Bolivia. For the following trips (2006, 2008, 2009 and 2011)
being more accustomed to the country it is in a rental car that they are traveling.
These days, their "field list" contains more than 160 references. Given their young
age, we can assume that this list will grow on in the future ! ! !
Let's start with Ilona’s greenhouse . What can I say ? The greenhouse is extremely
clean, tidy and all the plants look very healthy. A perfect collection! ! ! Here
are some views.