Copyright © Claude Bourleau. All rights reserved.
We then head to the other greenhouse. When entering, you see on the left the Gymnocalycium collection, on the right the Sulcorebutia collection. Quite huge !
The Sulcos collection currently includes more than 2000 clones. They are classified
according to the book of Willi Gertel and Wolfgang Latin "SULCOREBUTIEN -
After having talked about this and that, Ingo returns to his work and I have plenty
of time to shoot. Here is an overview of this magnificent collection. I have just
photographed everything that I liked and possibly some less common collect numbers.
S. albissima HS 100
S. albissima PHA 413
S. arenacea MC 4393
S. augustinii G 184
S. callecallensis LH 891
S. callichroma VS 417
S. callichroma VS 420
S. callichroma VS 420
S. candiae L 963b
S. candiae MC 5531
S. caracarensis MC 6309
S. crispata RV 587
The collection of Sulcorebutia
S. cuprea HS 274
S. cylindrica
S. dorana HJ 807
S. frankiana EK 7069
S. gemmae JD 337
S. gemmae VS 433
S. glomeriseta MC 4399
S. hertusii HS 125
S. hertusii PHA 266
S. hertusii PHA 268
S. hertusii VS 339a
S. hertusii VZ 450
S. hoffmannii WR 612
S. hoffmannii EK 7138
S. hoffmannii HS 222
S. hoffmannii RV 313
S. horrida G 119
S. kamiensis G 130a
S. kamiensis L 974
S. krugerae HS 130
S. langerii Kö 02
S. langerii RH 1639
S. markusii G 35
S. markusii WR 195a
August 11, 2012
A meeting with Ingo Breuer who I had missed in 2009 and also Benjamin,
a young sulco-
Therefore I had to leave early and so ...
Seven AM : departure to Heinsberg (Germany). My GPS tells me that I should be there
in 2:17 after a 213 km trip. These instruments are quite effective : at 9.30 I'm
in the place ! ! !
I am greeted by Ingo Breuer in person. He explains that there have been many changes
in the greenhouses. The collections of sulcorebutias and gymnocalyciums have been
moved in another greenhouse. The one in which we stand for the moment still contains
the collections of haworthias and some other succulents. More room is available for
the sale area and the propagation area.
Here are some photos of plants from the private collection of Haworthia.
Haworthia arachnoides
Haworthia indigoa
Haworthia odyssei
Haworthia springbokvlakensis
Haworthia truncata
Haworthia vernalis
Haworthia viscosa
The collection of Gymnocalycium